The UPS National Master Agreement establishes a new Full-Time Combination Driver (Article 22 Section 4 (b.)). The new language could and will affect current employees, including par-timers, cover drivers, air drivers, and full-time package drivers. The language has created a new full-time package car driver position. Click here to view and download the entire new contract.
Some highlights of the new language are as follows.
- "All existing regular full-time package drivers (RPCD) shall be considered RPCD drivers for the purpose of this Section."
- "The Union and the Company commit to protect existing Regular Full Time Package Car Drivers from being scheduled or forced to perform weekend delivery work and increasing the number of full-time opportunities for part-time employees."
- "It is the commitment of the parties that RPCDs work a Monday through Friday schedule." "The parties agree that all existing Regular Full-Time Package Car Drivers working a Tuesday through Saturday will transition to a Monday through Friday schedule."
- "All 22.4 combination drivers shall be guaranteed eight (8) consecutive hours of straight time per day, if reporting as scheduled. All 22.4 drivers shall work a five (5) consecutive day schedule of Tuesday through Saturday or Wednesday through Sunday."
- "Newly created 22.4 combination driver positions will count toward the newly created 22.3 jobs required by this Agreement."
The 22.4 combination driver has a four (4) year wage progression under Article 41 Section 4 in the UPS National Master Agreement. The wage scale is as follows:
Start: $20.50, Twelve (12) months $21.25, twenty-four (24) months $22.75, thirty-six (36) months $25.00, forty-eight (48) months, top rate $30.64 (plus the general wage increases).
The 22.4 combination driver will receive full-time hourly pension contributions. The 22.4 combination driver will not receive 9.5 rights and will not be granted two (2) eight (8) hour requests per month. A 22.4 combination driver will make $6.39 less per hour than a RPCD at the end of the 5 year agreement.